German Presidency of the EU Council in 2020

Expectations of the german council presidency

The German cities represent the motto of the German Council Presidency: Together for Europe’s recovery

Germany is taking over the Council Presidency at a time when the European Union is facingenormous challenges. Seldom before have cohesion and solidarity in Europe been as important as today. The coronavirus pandemic clearly shows the fragility of the European entity. The German cities express their solidarity with the municipalities of other Member States. The crisis shows that global challenges cannot be resolved within the bordersof one State. We uphold our common European values and our common cultural heritage. We are resolutely against nationalismand right-wing populism. Europe will enjoy lasting successif we manage to strengthen cohesion in society and in the European Union. Europemust offer people prospects(once again). The German cities representthe motto of the German Council Presidency: Together for Europe’s recovery. (PDF-file, July 2020)